K9 4 Kids plans to bring professional dog trainers and handlers during weekdays to teach youth the critical skills they need to become certified in dog obedience and grooming. Our program pairs youth with a dog that they will be responsible for training and caring for three days each week. Volunteers or professional trainers will oversee dog training on the days the youth are unable to visit the shelter.
In addition to learning the skills needed to care for, train, and groom animals, K9 4 Kids also plan to invite local veterinarians in to oversee the dog’s health. Our goal is for youth can learn more about career opportunities with animals that involve higher education to let the youth know there are a variety of ways they can make their passion for animals into a healthy and lucrative career. Dogs enrolled in our program will stay in our comfortable kennels an average of three to six months before they are ready for their life with their new forever home. Help us accomplish our mission by donating or volunteering today! |